Membership Application Form

If you have any queries with regards to membership, please email [email protected] or give us a call on 01892 890591.

Your details
Name *
Email Address *
Home Tel No
Mobile No
Date of Birth
Details of Golf Experience (if any)
Current Handicap
Previous Club(s)
Would you be interested in lessons from the Pro Shop
Would your partner be interested in social membership
Please provide any other relevant information of your golfing history
Where did you initially hear about Lamberhurst Golf Club?
What are your main reasons for wanting to join Lamberhurst Golf Club?
Enter Captcha*
From time to time we would like to keep you informed about our future events, promotions and competitions. Please tick the box if you are happy for us to use the contact details you have provided to send you this information. We will treat your data with respect, will not share with third parties and you can find more details in our Privacy Policy

I, the above named, agree if elected to membership of Lamberhurst Golf Club, to abide by the Rules and Bye Laws of the Club.

Additional Information
• If any misrepresentation is made on this form, or in any other information provided, the Committee, at their absolute discretion, may deem the applicant not to be eligible for election, or terminate the membership if already implemented. Anyone so judged to be ineligible or who has had their membership so terminated will, forever afterwards, be ineligible for election and not be allowed to enter the Club premises.
• The completion of this form does not in any way bind the Committee to admit the candidate to membership. Club rules require that details of all applications will be displayed on the Club notice board for a period of fourteen days during which period all applicants will be invited to attend an informal introduction meeting.